Saturday, August 13, 2011

Business Cards

Just ordered business cards to hand out, promoting my journey...pretty psyched!


Monday, August 8, 2011

First Donation Has Been Made

I felt it was appropriate for me to make the first donation. So now that that's out of the way let's get this thing rolling. I'm gonna be putting together a list of businesses to contact over the next month. I hope to send out the first batch of letters in the beginning of September. There is no limit to who and what we can reach. Ideas are swirling in my mind. Keep checking back and feel free to leave any comments/suggestions.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Welcome All

Hello folks!

Check in here to stay up to date with my journey, from before I leave, to during my trek, and after my return home. I will do my best to submit new posts along the way. This next year should be an exciting time. I am glad to have each and every one of you a part of it.
