Their mission is to save lives by empowering youth to Aevidum. Aevidum is a depression and suicide education awareness initiative where informed adults empower middle school and high school students to 1) understand that depression is a treatable illness, 2) know the warning signs of depression, and 3) use their gifts and talents to spread the Aevidum message of hope, and to be advocates for other students in need… “To have their friends’ backs!”
Aevidum began at my former high school. The roots of aevidum began during my years there, with a student and friend who took his life. It was a tragic time and also a changing time. In the years since my graduation the club has now grown and flourished. Lives have been saved. With power comes great responsibility. These students and young adults have already done, and will continue to do, great things many would not have imagined.