Behind The Journey

Scouting has always been a part of my life, and I have always identified with the outdoors. Hiking the Appalachian Trail is something that has weighed on my mind for about a year, and I have realized that now may be the only time that I can commit to such a journey. I graduated college in December 2011, so doing this journey in 2012 seems like the prime opportunity, for I will have few major responsibilities, (ex. no job or family to take care of). I plan on seizing this time to complete the entire 2,184 mile Appalachian Trail, spanning from Georgia to Maine, before I delve into the "real world." I am hoping to average 15-20 miles a day by foot, and finish in approximately five months, March-August 2012. This endeavor will be physically, and especially, mentally taxing. During my journey I am hoping to better understand the meaning of life and begin to realize who I truly am as a person. This will be an extremely difficult journey, with the success rate for completion at only 25%. I have also come to realize that I can take this experience and use it for good. I hope my journey will be for the benefit of others. In fact, I have made it my intention and goal to raise awareness, donations, and hope. By doing so I can provide some good for society, which may just provide me the extra motivation I need to succeed with the completion of my journey.

I have chosen to focus my intentions for To Write Love On Her Arms. TWLOHA is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery. 2/3 of those suffering from depression never seek treatment; untreated depression is the number one cause of suicide, and suicide is the third leading cause of death among teenagers. Suicide rates are on the rise and it is approximated that a person dies from suicide every 40 seconds. TWLOHA is an organization I can relate to, having dealt with depression myself and overcoming it. It is something that can be treated successfully, helping millions of people to live better lives. Check out to understand more.

I am asking individuals for $21.84. This is only a penny a mile! Picture yourself going a mile and only being given a penny. Now do that 2,183 more times. It’s not much, but it adds up, similar to my daily mileage. I would be thrilled with larger amounts, for I have a goal of $2,184, a dollar a mile; however, any amount you choose will be greatly appreciated. Together we can truly make a difference.

I assure you that 100% of your proceeds will be donated to To Write Love On Her Arms, helping to overcome the issues of depression, addiction, and self-injury. Click the donate button below to make your difference.

Feel free to contact me with any

This journey is something I must accomplish. I believe it will bring to fruition life opportunities that will forever set me apart, and lead me to places otherwise unknown.

Thanks so much!

You only have to remember that
What you've done in your life
May change what someone's doing in their life
And it changes everything