Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Had another inspiring morning. Met with former teacher and mentor, Joe Vulopas. Joe, I can't thank you enough for the guidance you have provided me and continue to provide.

Joe, along with other teachers at my former high school are empowering young adults as part of an organization known as Aevidum. Aevidum is a depression and suicide education awareness initiative where informed adults empower middle school and high school students to 1) understand that depression is a treatable illness, 2) know the warning signs of depression, and 3) use their gifts and talents to spread the Aevidum message of hope, and to be advocates for other students in need… “To have their friends’ backs!”

It is great to see so many students dealing with these mature issues in such a positive way. These issues are not selective. They can effect anybody. We all have the power to stop it. We just need to become aware and educated.

Aevidum stands for same things TWLOHA does. I am deeply rooted to both organizations, so I will do my best to attach Aevidum to my journey.

So to all, I say aevidum. Empower Yourself

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