Tuesday, August 28, 2012

In Monson, which is not much of a town, for the day and night. This is the last town stop, and is located right before the 100 Mile Wilderness. This is the most remote part of the trail, being located many miles from any town. On the other side lies Katahdin and the end of my journey. It should be an exciting and emotional time. Tomorrow I go dark. I'll see y'all on the flip side.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

220 miles left. In Rangeley, then briefly stopping in Stratton and then Monson. Then begins the 100 mile wilderness, and on the other side is Katahdin, the toughest climb on the AT. There's a bit to go, but it will all be over soon. We are feeling better and hoping the skies remain clear, as our journey comes to a close.

Monday, August 20, 2012

I think the Noro Virus has caught up with us. Spending some time in Rangeley, at a nice place at least. So ready to be done at this point. My body is shot.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I'm in Maine but have had wet feet everyday. Planning on summitting September 6. Almost there!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I have made it through the White Mountains, and it was by far the most physically challenging week on the trail. It was also rewarding, and the mountains were very beautiful. The trail went above treeline for the first time, which is only about 4400 feet up here, and we were blessed with good weather. It rained 2.5 inches the night before we climbed Washington, but the skies cleared for us when the sun arose. The trails were very treacherous at times and we only got hit with rain above treeline once. The trail was so steep and slick at times it was nerve-racking, and there is definitely a sense of relief being done with it.

I am in Gorham, NH, which is our last planned zero day. Tomorrow evening we plan to be on the Maine state line. There are 5 town stops from there and 280 miles to Katahdin: Andover, Rangeley, Stratton, Caratunk, Monson, and through the hundred mile wilderness to the end. This should take about 3 weeks. This coming week will be very difficult still, but then things smooth out.

Yesterday upon entering our "old-fashioned" motel room my body just shut down. I was running on fumes. It will be adrenaline that pulls my body through this. The end is just about in sight, and it is quite hard to believe. I have been filling up on food, specifically fast food. Apparently there is none in Maine. In fact, I don't think there is much of anything in Maine, except water. I will try to keep up on here. Maine is said to be the most rugged and remote state on the trail.

Thank you all for following. I really do appreciate it. It helps to keep me going.

Monday, August 13, 2012

In Gorham, New Hampshire, finished with the Whites. Zeroing here tomorrow. Look for a good post to come.

Friday, August 10, 2012

...and they are brutal...and treacherous...and a sight to see.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Friday, August 3, 2012

Another great series of trail magic and a night out at Dartmouth. New Hampshire begins today. It's the beginning of the end. :)